Brass Nail Woodworks
Our First Newsletter

Have you ever found a desk that you think would be perfect for your office but the size isn’t quite right or the drawer is on the wrong side? Whether it is a desk, a table or something you want that doesn’t even exist yet, you have come to the perfect place.

Happening this month
It's here!
Refinishing a Cedar Chest
This hope chest was an item acquired by a lucky trade. It’s a beautiful cedar chest covered with an unfortunate pea green veneer. We’re going to strip it all off and expose the gorgeous aromatic cedar beneath. Photos will be posted on Instagram along the way and a full video on YouTube at the end.
Building an Outfeed Table
Through another lucky acquisition, we have received an epic new table saw (new to us, at least). We’ll be constructing an outfeed table to go alongside with flush mounted tip-on slide drawers for storage. This one will be a milestone in setting up shop.
Putting Together Smalls
We’ll be cranking out a handful of smaller items to fill the shop with. Keep an eye out for the shop to be opening towards the beginning of February.
Let's Not Stop There
If you have an idea you would love to see come to life please reach out and lets make it happen!
Ideas Form
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